Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!!

Joining the countdown in front of Khatib MRT, I flashed back the year 2011. What I achieved:
  1. getting my first job in Singapore.
  2. meeting my niece and nephew for the first time.
  3. traveling overseas for vacation on my own for the first time.
  4. first business trip of my life, which is Korea.
  5. bought insurance using my own money.
  6. officially manage my own finance for the first time.
  7. getting to know more of my relatives, especially in Singapore and Johor Baru.
  8. get to meet lost friends from secondary school and college.
  9. getting a new phone.
2011 was a year of beginnings and reclamation. My beginning of work life, and my reclamation of social life. This year 2012 will be challenging. I will be tackling with PR application, the big plan to travel Japan, and handling the hectic work of my company. Of course, I need to finish recording my logs here ASAP!! (overdue from 2011)

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