Saturday 31 December 2011

Europe Backpack - The Italian Riviera

9 Sept 2010 - Genova

The journey to Genova is simply beautiful. It's too bad we did not plan to visit Nice and Monaco. But crossing French border to Italy, the feel has not changed at all. Genova. Birthplace of Christopher Columbus, and a huge historical center, and a lot of luxury boats. The architecture is very nice too, many buildings and houses has a courtyard which we can wander into.

Example of luxury boat.

Weapons for sale!!

10 Sept 2010 - Pisa & Florence

Next stop: La Spezia. Here we set a base to visit Pisa, Florence and Cinque Terra. La Spezia itself is a nice place to relax and explore. (Note to myself: must visit in future). Nothing much to say about Pisa and Florence, as the tourist traps are quite standard. But comparing the river of Pisa and Florence:

River of Pisa

River of Florence: Seems better..

At night back at La Spezia, we managed to join in a festival with many performances. After watching, we ate at a Chinese Restaurant where th
e fried rice is very nice. It seems that restaurant was opened by a couple from China. Knowing no English or Italian, they started a business here in La Spezia.

11 Sept 2010 - Cinque Terra

The highlight for our visit to Italian Riviera: Cinque Terra. First achievement we did there is to hike all the way up a 312m hill with slippers. The view is rewarding, and we wrote our names onto the building on top.

Second achievement: we visited all 5 villages along the coast via train since one of our companion has lousy physical ability and there is toll for tramplers. (He almost gave up and complained and want to go back in 4th village) I had good time!

Near the place where we relax and listened to a street singer singing "Time to say Goodbye". He plays piano while his partner plays flute. Very nice!

Even my low-end camera can take a good picture out of Cinque Terra.

Cinque Terra is also a wine producing country! Too bad we did not taste any.

Europe Backpack - From Lyon to Marseille

6 Sept 2010 - Lyon

Lyon, was Roman capital for Gaul, "Lugdunum". The city is famous for its architecture and churches and mixes of silk workers homes (which made the area felt like South America/Spanish towns). Nice sculptures can be found inside churches such as this:
Unfortunately, my 2 companions failed to recognize this and complained all the way. Well, things didn't go too well too, in the morning, we got lost in Gare du Lyon in Paris, and later arriving at Gare du Part Dieu in Lyon we wasted more time looking for tickets and loose change for tickets. But anyways, later in the evening we reached the ancient city center for Lugdunum. From the seats of an amphitheater there, we can get a nice view of the city. We hiked our way up the Fourviere Hill to Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourviere for a nice night view of Lyon. Sadly, we had not enough time (and lack of interest from the other 2 companion) to explore the city more. Due to nationwide strike, we has to leave early to Marseille.

Amphitheater overlooking the city.

Night view of Lyon.

The Basilica and the replica of Eiffel Tower.

7-8 Sept 2010 - Marseille

Marseille, part of the beautiful French Riviera. There, we got lost looking for our hostel. The first thing we notice was boats, boats and more boats! The sights are extremely rewarding, especially up the Notre Dame de la Garde.

One of the fortress at the entrance of Vieux Port.

View from Notre Dame de la Garde, the casas suits the Mediterranean feel.

War Memorial.

Vieux Port

However, trying to look for a nice beach, we end up in the middle no nowhere, and almost missed the last bus back to the city. Took a picture for the memory anyway:

Europe Backpack - Paris

3-5 Sept 2010 - Paris

Traveling from Liverpool to London, storing our luggage , then taking Eurostar to Paris. By the time we reach Paris, it was already night. After settling down our hostel, we went out to visit Basilisque du Sacre Cuer, and enjoyed the night panorama of Paris - and also visited a sex shop we found on the streets.

Sacre Cuer at night.

Next morning we went to the Sacre Cuer again, which looks as nice as it is during the night. Next stop is Arc de Truimphe, where we went up to have a look. The arc is in the center of 6 roads with even angles. Here we also found out that as students(not expired), and since tomorrow is Sunday, most of the museums will be free for us! We also visited the Eiffel Tower and Napolean's Mausoleum at Musee de Armee.

Napolean's Mausoleum

After spending the time exploring WW1 and WW2 stuff at the museum, the next destination is the Notre Dame Cathedral. The mood inside is really solemn, and I decided to join the Catholic service which was conducted in French. (couldn't understand a word, but experience is quite unique) Feeling spirited, I joined my 2 friends to go back to Eiffel Tower for the hourly blinking and relaxing at the park nearby. There we gathered along with a crowd to listen to a street musician singing nice songs. Not expecting to go back too soon, we went on walking down champ de elyss to the Lourve, stopping to see Eiffel Tower blinking in afar. By the time we reach Lourve, it was already midnight... We called it a day.

The Lourve at midnight.

The next morning, we continued our visit to Versailles. After wasting 2 hours taking a long queue under the hot sun, we found out that we actually we can just enter the palace with our student card.. The palace was grand, and one notable piece of art there is the coronation of Josephine, although the real one is in the Lourve. Too bad the garden is closed; as it looked quite nice. After the Versailles, we rushed to the Lourve, hoping that it had not closed yet. Indeed when we reached there, the closing time is almost there; So we rushed around to see the highlighted arts, especially the Mona Lisa. Feeling satisfied, we randomly choose a place to go (la Defense) to hang around. Not expecting anything initially, we were awed by the structure of la Defense, and the cool architecture of the skyscrapers around. Tomorrow, onwards to Lyon!

la Defense with the backdrop of evening sky.

Last days in Liverpool

1 Sept 2010

As for the last few days in Liverpool, I realized that I haven't visited the museums at Albert Dock. Due to lack of interest in museums by my other pals, I decided to visit them ALONE. After visiting titanic model and learning a few gay words, I headed home, looking at Albert Dock one last time.

Liverpool dockside.

2 Sept 2010

Tomorrow would be the day me and 2 other friend head out to backpack for Europe. Before I leave UK, I wanted to see Merseyside more, especially Chester. But then, my other pals decided to go on nostalgia trip around Liverpool. I resolved to go even without them. (I usually go with the herd, which caused me to miss many things; but not anymore!) One-man trip to Chester!

Upon arriving at Chester, I took a map from the train station and started exploring. Chester was once a Roman fort named "Castrum". During that time, the town was a major trading port. It lost it's importance once the river got shallow. The town has one of the most complete roman walls.

Anyways, I reached a park full of squirrels, looking for something(?). One even climbed onto me. The large park feels nice and peaceful so I strolled around.

.. and found a partly ruined church(St John the Baptist Church), with bodies stored inside walls such as this:

Inside the church is interesting to see, as it is more than 1000 years old. Tombstones of important people and roman eagle standard can be found inside. And stained glass!!
Next point of interest is the Roman Amphitheater, which is situated at the main road, outside the walls. This amphitheater was discovered when upgrading the main road. It was lying beside the road all along! Excavations are still going on this site.

This is about what would the audiences see a gladiator fighting an animal from the seats.

And just right beside the amphitheater is the wall gate!

Finally, the main highlight of Chester. Inside the city I walked around the town looking at Renaissance buildings, visiting the Roman Museum, and walked above the walls to see the River Dee. I also unknowingly wandered into magistrate building court, which was once used by the Romans too. Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera and my smartphone ran out of battery. Therefore I missed a lot of pictures and memories :(
River Dee and the bridge built by Romans.
Roman lock.
What Chester looks like in Roman days.

After Chester, I visited other places such as New Brighton beach, to see the fort, then West Kirby beach, where I walked far out to visit an island only accessible during low tides. Ate a nice Fish&Chip dinner while enjoying the sunset. No photos!! :( By the time I got back to Liverpool, it was dark, and I found that my pals panicked because they couldn't contact me.. Being the last day in UK, I daresay this was the day I enjoyed most during all my days in UK, and comparing the trips I had: Crosby, Whitby, Chatsworth, London, and finally Ireland.... Bye bye UK!