Saturday 31 December 2011

Europe Backpack - Paris

3-5 Sept 2010 - Paris

Traveling from Liverpool to London, storing our luggage , then taking Eurostar to Paris. By the time we reach Paris, it was already night. After settling down our hostel, we went out to visit Basilisque du Sacre Cuer, and enjoyed the night panorama of Paris - and also visited a sex shop we found on the streets.

Sacre Cuer at night.

Next morning we went to the Sacre Cuer again, which looks as nice as it is during the night. Next stop is Arc de Truimphe, where we went up to have a look. The arc is in the center of 6 roads with even angles. Here we also found out that as students(not expired), and since tomorrow is Sunday, most of the museums will be free for us! We also visited the Eiffel Tower and Napolean's Mausoleum at Musee de Armee.

Napolean's Mausoleum

After spending the time exploring WW1 and WW2 stuff at the museum, the next destination is the Notre Dame Cathedral. The mood inside is really solemn, and I decided to join the Catholic service which was conducted in French. (couldn't understand a word, but experience is quite unique) Feeling spirited, I joined my 2 friends to go back to Eiffel Tower for the hourly blinking and relaxing at the park nearby. There we gathered along with a crowd to listen to a street musician singing nice songs. Not expecting to go back too soon, we went on walking down champ de elyss to the Lourve, stopping to see Eiffel Tower blinking in afar. By the time we reach Lourve, it was already midnight... We called it a day.

The Lourve at midnight.

The next morning, we continued our visit to Versailles. After wasting 2 hours taking a long queue under the hot sun, we found out that we actually we can just enter the palace with our student card.. The palace was grand, and one notable piece of art there is the coronation of Josephine, although the real one is in the Lourve. Too bad the garden is closed; as it looked quite nice. After the Versailles, we rushed to the Lourve, hoping that it had not closed yet. Indeed when we reached there, the closing time is almost there; So we rushed around to see the highlighted arts, especially the Mona Lisa. Feeling satisfied, we randomly choose a place to go (la Defense) to hang around. Not expecting anything initially, we were awed by the structure of la Defense, and the cool architecture of the skyscrapers around. Tomorrow, onwards to Lyon!

la Defense with the backdrop of evening sky.

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