Saturday 31 December 2011

Last days in Liverpool

1 Sept 2010

As for the last few days in Liverpool, I realized that I haven't visited the museums at Albert Dock. Due to lack of interest in museums by my other pals, I decided to visit them ALONE. After visiting titanic model and learning a few gay words, I headed home, looking at Albert Dock one last time.

Liverpool dockside.

2 Sept 2010

Tomorrow would be the day me and 2 other friend head out to backpack for Europe. Before I leave UK, I wanted to see Merseyside more, especially Chester. But then, my other pals decided to go on nostalgia trip around Liverpool. I resolved to go even without them. (I usually go with the herd, which caused me to miss many things; but not anymore!) One-man trip to Chester!

Upon arriving at Chester, I took a map from the train station and started exploring. Chester was once a Roman fort named "Castrum". During that time, the town was a major trading port. It lost it's importance once the river got shallow. The town has one of the most complete roman walls.

Anyways, I reached a park full of squirrels, looking for something(?). One even climbed onto me. The large park feels nice and peaceful so I strolled around.

.. and found a partly ruined church(St John the Baptist Church), with bodies stored inside walls such as this:

Inside the church is interesting to see, as it is more than 1000 years old. Tombstones of important people and roman eagle standard can be found inside. And stained glass!!
Next point of interest is the Roman Amphitheater, which is situated at the main road, outside the walls. This amphitheater was discovered when upgrading the main road. It was lying beside the road all along! Excavations are still going on this site.

This is about what would the audiences see a gladiator fighting an animal from the seats.

And just right beside the amphitheater is the wall gate!

Finally, the main highlight of Chester. Inside the city I walked around the town looking at Renaissance buildings, visiting the Roman Museum, and walked above the walls to see the River Dee. I also unknowingly wandered into magistrate building court, which was once used by the Romans too. Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera and my smartphone ran out of battery. Therefore I missed a lot of pictures and memories :(
River Dee and the bridge built by Romans.
Roman lock.
What Chester looks like in Roman days.

After Chester, I visited other places such as New Brighton beach, to see the fort, then West Kirby beach, where I walked far out to visit an island only accessible during low tides. Ate a nice Fish&Chip dinner while enjoying the sunset. No photos!! :( By the time I got back to Liverpool, it was dark, and I found that my pals panicked because they couldn't contact me.. Being the last day in UK, I daresay this was the day I enjoyed most during all my days in UK, and comparing the trips I had: Crosby, Whitby, Chatsworth, London, and finally Ireland.... Bye bye UK!

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