Saturday 31 December 2011

Europe Backpack - From Lyon to Marseille

6 Sept 2010 - Lyon

Lyon, was Roman capital for Gaul, "Lugdunum". The city is famous for its architecture and churches and mixes of silk workers homes (which made the area felt like South America/Spanish towns). Nice sculptures can be found inside churches such as this:
Unfortunately, my 2 companions failed to recognize this and complained all the way. Well, things didn't go too well too, in the morning, we got lost in Gare du Lyon in Paris, and later arriving at Gare du Part Dieu in Lyon we wasted more time looking for tickets and loose change for tickets. But anyways, later in the evening we reached the ancient city center for Lugdunum. From the seats of an amphitheater there, we can get a nice view of the city. We hiked our way up the Fourviere Hill to Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourviere for a nice night view of Lyon. Sadly, we had not enough time (and lack of interest from the other 2 companion) to explore the city more. Due to nationwide strike, we has to leave early to Marseille.

Amphitheater overlooking the city.

Night view of Lyon.

The Basilica and the replica of Eiffel Tower.

7-8 Sept 2010 - Marseille

Marseille, part of the beautiful French Riviera. There, we got lost looking for our hostel. The first thing we notice was boats, boats and more boats! The sights are extremely rewarding, especially up the Notre Dame de la Garde.

One of the fortress at the entrance of Vieux Port.

View from Notre Dame de la Garde, the casas suits the Mediterranean feel.

War Memorial.

Vieux Port

However, trying to look for a nice beach, we end up in the middle no nowhere, and almost missed the last bus back to the city. Took a picture for the memory anyway:

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